A Sorcery-Free Alchemists element list.
This is a list of some of the elements in my phonograph/medieval fantasy. It uses 3 letters rather than 2, and some elements in real life are combined to make elements in this fantasy.
CEL: Celluloid. A flammable plastic used in the making of the first stereophonic phonograph cylinders.
: This is obviously Poly Vinyl Chloride. It is used for the pipes in a wind-powered running water system. When electricity was declared sorcery-free in 1752, it was also used for 33-1/3 RPM LP microgroove records.
ABS: Acrylonitrate Butadiene Styrene. It is a hard opaque plastic.Used for the cases in the less expensive Ring phonographs.
PST: Polystyrene. Used for packaging things like swords and phonograph parts in a blister pack. Usually transparent. Can be deformed with a fingernail.
LDP: Low density polyethylene. Used for making drink bottles. Not very resistant to chemical erosion.
HDP: High density polyethylene. Used for making bottles that hold poison intended for consumption by elves. Resistant to chemical erosion for a short time.
PPO: Polypropylene. Stiff mid-weight plastic used in phonograph diaphrams in the late Gawain era. Was outmoded by...
HOP: Highly Oriented Polyolefin. Used for the diaphragms in the Mithril Credenza. Very light and stiff, can reproduce tight bass with crisp highs in this configuration. Usually a light deep red color.
MPL: Magnetizable Plastic. Used for the tape in the Nakamichi Dragon cassette deck.
GLS: Glass. A hard transparent material that breaks easily. Used for temporary swords, as well as windows.
TGL: Tempered Glass. Glass that is 4x stronger and explodes into tiny granules when shattered. Used for the spinning mirrors on the Palantir video system.
STL: Steel. A hard reflective opaque metal. Stronger than iron (IRN). Used in making shields and armor. Blood looks nice on it.
HST: High-carbon Spring Steel. An even harder Steel that can deform and return to its original shape. Used to make long-lasting swords that can be "flicked" at an opponent when the protagonist is wearing chainmail gloves. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention. It is used to make some phonograph / watch springs.
MRL: Mithril. You got the Mithril ingots, oh, yes! This is the most sought after element. It is very shiny (shinier than Gold [GLD]) and can be formed into various shapes with a forceful application of heat. It is a rare Dragon that can melt Mithril with its breath. The Mithril Recording Lathe uses a burner flame that heats the stylus which is powered by the acoustic sound vibrations which cuts the record. VERY elastic when at room temperature. Is used for Mithril High Density 78 RPM records, as well as the springs in Viking-age and newer phonographs / music boxes.
GLD: Gold. A yellowish shiny metal. Cannot be made from lead in this fantasy until after the year 1752. Formerly used to make 3 foot FM-encoded discs for the original bronze-age music box for less than a rouble a disc. Bronze discs last longer, and were used for the MFM-encoded disc music box once gold got scarce. The remaining gold has been used to make gold Rouble coins.
BRZ: Bronze. A brownish metal formerly used for swords, but superseded by High Carbon Spring Steel because of its greater strength. Used in the Bronze Age a lot (you think??!).
BRS: Brass. A brilliant yellowish metal used to make musical instruments and sword hilts.
PPR: Paper. A thin sheet of ground up and compressed wood pulp used to write and print documents on.
CRB: Cardboard. A brown paper, usually couragated for extra strength. Used in packaging decapitated heads.
WOD: Wood. A usually hard yellowish brown material made from trees. Can be shaped easily without heat. Used in wagons and the more expensive Ring Phonograph cases.
PHS: Phosphor. A powder that retains light shined on it. Comes in all different colors. Can be used on the Palantir Video system to make 15 frame per second video less tiring to watch.
BLF: Black and white film. A light sensitive plastic. Used in photography.
CLF: Color film. A light sensitive plastic that can reproduce all apparent colors. Used in photography.
GOO: Goo. Any nasty substance that can induce vomiting on sight. Used by many evil things to make you lose your lunch.
GUN: Gunpowder. An explosive powder used in the Fire of Orthanc. Used successfully in 1678 to blow through Helm's Deep.
PLU: Plutonium. Found in the center of Witches and bowling balls.
LET: Leather. A sheetlike skin made from the hide of cows. Can be boiled to make it super-hard. Used for helmets until steel took over.
TRI: Tritium. A paint that glows. Used on the Protracker Music Box's display panel.
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